Most people assume that ferrets are rodents and the word rodent often makes people turn up their nose. They aren’t rodents. They are a part of the Mustelid family, cousins to otters, weasels, and minks.
With a ferret’s intelligence and jester-like antics, they do make wonderful pets. A new ferret takes a lot more time and experience than most people realize, which doesn’t make them ideal for a new pet owner or for a house with small children.
You’ve probably considered a ferret if you’ve ever considered bringing home a small furry pet.
Playing and pouncing, hiding your keys, or snoozing in a pile of fluff, ferrets will easily win you over.
Young ferrets need around four hours per day out of their cage to explore, play, and socialize. Playing with your pet ferrets is the best way to bond and very crucial to their well-being.
Free roaming time is important, as is the “ferret-proofing” process if you want to keep your house, and sanity, intact. Think of ferrets as curious toddlers with the attention span of a kitten.
Ferrets are incredibly intelligent and with consistent and proper training can learn tricks, litter box training, and kind behavior. Just like kittens and puppies, they need to be taught the basics. Along with being taught proper bathroom habits, they also need to be taught not to nip and bite humans.
It’s no wonder they are related to weasels!
Make sure that you do ALL the research before becoming a ferret owner, especially one with specific training requirements.
An unaltered male does smell the worst, but ferrets,n general, have a musky odor. Daily cage cleanings are a great idea and help keep some of the other odors down.
Ferrets eat ferret food or pellets, often sold in pet stores. Just make sure that meat is the primary ingredient as ferrets are carnivores. Make sure they always have access to fresh water.
It is also illegal to own ferrets in certain areas, California is a good example, so make sure that you look into your local laws for exotic pet ownership.
Ferrets aren’t your best bet if you live somewhere where the weather is above 80 F regularly. They prefer the high 60s and 70s, or else they could overheat easily. It is also illegal to own ferrets in certain areas, California is a good example, so make sure that you look into your local laws for exotic pet ownership.
Ferrets eat ferret food or pellets, often sold in pet stores. Just make sure that meat is the primary ingredient as ferrets are carnivores. After putting the time and energy into bonding with ferrets, it’s best to make sure you can provide them with a forever home.
This intense curiosity and desire for mischief mean… these social creatures are busy! After you’ve bonded with your ferret and they know you as a friend and companion they might snuggle while they sleep, but when they are awake they are on the go!
With a lifespan of 7 to 10 years, you should know that they’ll need you to care for them and love them for years to come. Many people bring home ferrets thinking they’ll live for a couple of years and after realizing they live for much longer, re-home them. After putting the time and energy into bonding with ferrets, it’s best to make sure you can provide them with a forever home.
Ferrets also need to be vaccinated for distemper and heartworm on. It’s important to plan for regular checkups and medical care on a regular basis, as well as give them nail trims with clippers, ear/teeth cleaning, flea prevention, and a bath no more than once a month. Everyone wants a healthy ferret!
You can also consider being a forever home for an older ferret; maybe one that is being re-homed. Make sure you know why the ferret is being re-homed and their history. This might save some of the initial training you ‘d have to do with a baby kit, and would provide a loving home for a rescue pet in need.
Make sure you know why the ferret is being re-homed and their history.
If you plan on having ferrets, it’s critical to get them spayed or neutered. Female ferrets stay in heat until they mate, and if they don’t mate it can lead to detrimental health conditions and potentially high vet bills.
Ferrets are playful and silly, both with cage mates and humans. They’re quiet and spend a lot of time sleeping- when they’re not playing, that is. With time and patience, you will find yourself with a funny, loyal, smart companion that wants all your love and attention.
Anything they can get their tiny pink paws on, they will. Ferrets love phone chargers, socks, electrical cords, hair ties, jewelry- they think everything is free for the taking, which is why they need constant supervision. Ferret-proofing your home just means you have to clean up your knick-knacks more thoroughly.